1 program EXAMPLE
2 include 'mpif.h'
3 integer my_id, np, comm, tag, count, ierr, n,q
4 integer i,j,k
5 integer a(100,100),b(100)
6 integer c(100,100),a1(100,100),a2(100,100)
7 integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
8 double precision t1,tfinish
9 call MPI_Init(ierr)
11 call MPI_Comm_rank(COMM, my_id, ierr)
12 call MPI_Comm_size(COMM, np, ierr)
13 print *, 'Process ', my_id, ' of ', np, ' is alive'
14 tag = 0
15 n=100
16 if (my_id.eq.0) then
17 do i=1,n,1
18 do j=1,n,1
19 if (i.eq.j) then
20 a(j,i)=0
21 b(i)=1
22 else
23 a(j,i)=1
24 b(i)=0
25 end if
26 end do
27 end do
28 end if
29 open(unit=9,file='MMP.dat')
30 t1=MPI_Wtime()
31 call MPI_Bcast(n,1,MPI_INTEGER,0,COMM,ierr)
32 call MPI_Bcast(b,n,MPI_INTEGER,0,COMM,ierr)
33 call MPI_Scatter(a,int(n*n/np),MPI_INTEGER,a1,
34 * int(n*n/np),MPI_INTEGER,0,COMM,ierr)
35 do j=1,n,1
36 do i=1,n,1
37 c(i,j)=0
38 end do
39 end do
40 do j=1,n,1
41 do i=1,int(n/np),1
42 do k=1,n,1
43 c(i+int(n/np)*my_id,j)=
44 * c(i+int(n/np)*my_id,j)+a1(k,i)*b(k)
45 end do
46 end do
47 end do
48 call MPI_Reduce(c,a2,n*n,MPI_INTEGER,MPI_SUM,
49 * 0, COMM,ierr)
50 if (my_id.eq.0) then
51 t1=MPI_Wtime()-t1
52 Print *,'Dim = ',n,' the time is ',t1
53 write(9,*) 'Dim = ',n,' the time is ',t1
54 end if
55 close(9)
56 call MPI_Finalize(ierr)
57 stop
58 end
Рис. 56. Пример распараллеливания алгоритма умножения матрицы на вектор